Wednesday, July 8, 2009

a green dress meets a plaid shirt...

"Would you like to dance?" he asked.
"I'm already dancing..." she said.
And so it began. It was Halloween 1983 at the Cameron House on Queen. My dad was a shy sort of guy, not dressed up for the occasion, but my mother remembers him being dressed as a hockey player. She says it was because he wore a plaid shirt, and all the boys in South Porcupine wore plaid shirts after hockey games. She was wearing an emerald 30's cocktail dress and was going as a starlet. Aaron and Mary-Theresa, they courted between my mother's guitar lessons, poetry readings, and dance classes. At the time Mary-Theresa was seeing a wealthy, good looking fellow, and had little trouble choosing between the men. My father was seeing someone who was a complete nut, so he went from the bad kind of nut to the good kind. Shortly after, my mother went to Europe because she "knew that if [she] didn't do it now, [she] would never do it," and my father waited for her return. At which time he impregnated her with their love child, Hilary, my brother. My mother is from an Irish Catholic family and was married before she started showing, in a small ceremony in her hometown outside of Timmins, South Porcupine. It is a love story that began on Queen West, as so many have started there.

For Dana. From Zoe.

*clicking on the title will lead you to a music video from 80's super-duo Renee and Renato that I feel echos this story for the following reasons:
1) theme of waiting for love
2) very 1983
3) they appear to be at a masquerade ball... or a high school drama club set for Romeo and Juliet
4) Renato is wearing a shirt and Renee is wearing a dress

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